Samsung galaxy ring was unveiled globally in 2024, and the smart ring was laater launched in India in October, priced at Rs. 38,999. Currently, the smart wearable is available for purchase in the country at a rs. 10,000 discounts. Samsung introduced the smart ring in nine different sizes from sizes 5 to 13, while two new sizes (14 and 15) were added by the company. The Galaxy ring has an ip68 rating for dust and water resistance.
Samsung Galaxy Ring Now available in India with Rs. 10,000 discount
The samsung galaxy ring was launched in India at Rs. 38,999. While the price on the company's website remains the same, customers can use the coupon code “Galaxyring,” to get a Rs. 10,000 discounts (via Tipster Ishan Agarwal). This discount brings the effective price of the ring down to Rs. 28,999. Gadgets360 was able to verify the discount code is currently valid on the company's website.
The discount on the samsung galaxy ring is available via the official website And the Samsung Shop App. The validity of the discount coupon code, however, is not listed on the company's website.
Notable, the samsung galaxy ring is offered in titanium black, Titanium silver, and titanium gold finishes. It is available in eleven size options that range from size 5 to 15.
The size 5 variant of the samsung galaxy ring has an inner diameter of 15.7mm and weight 2.3g. The ring is equipped with a three-sensor system if an optical bio-signal sensor, a temperature sensor, and an accelerometer. The ring is controlled via the samsung health app. Users can take a photo or turn off an alarm on a connected galaxy smartphone by employing certain gestures.
Samsung claims that the galaxy ring offers up to sets of use on a single charge. An Led Panel on the case indicates its charging status. It has a Titanium outer shell and the ring has an ip68 rating for dust and water resistance.