Samsung Galaxy S25 is expected to launch this month at a Galaxy Unpacked event. The handset has been subject to several rumors and leaks recently. The Galaxy S24 successor has now allegedly been spotted on benchmarking website Geekbench with a Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset. The Galaxy S25 along with Galaxy S25+ and Galaxy S25 Ultra are expected to launch on January 22 with sales said to start in February.
Samsung Galaxy S25 Listed on Geekbench
A listing of a new Samsung phone, believed to be the standard Galaxy S25, has appeared on Geekbench. This entry has model number SM-S931B. This could be a version of the Galaxy S25 for international markets and is listed with an octa-core Snapdragon 8 Elite SoC with a base frequency of 3.53GHz and peak speed of 4.47GHz. This could be a custom Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset with overclocked CPU scores. The regular Snapdragon 8 Elite chip found on the OnePlus 13 has a 4.32GHz clock speed.
The Samsung SM-S931B has scored 2,986 points in single-core and 9,355 in multi-core benchmarks. The listing shows that the phone runs Android 15, the latest mobile operating system from Google. It has 10.68GB RAM, which will be marketed as 12GB when the phone goes official.
In November last year, a Samsung handset with model number SM-S931N, believed to be the Korean variant of Galaxy S25, was spotted on Geekbench with a Snapdragon chipset with similar CPU speed. The phone managed 2,481 points in single-core testing and 8,658 in multi-core testing. The listing suggests an Android 15 operating system and 10.75GB of RAM.
Samsung was initially speculated to pack its in-house Exynos 2500 chipsets in the Galaxy S25 lineup. However, latest leaks claim that the Galaxy S25 models worldwide will use the Snapdragon silicon.