Released in theaters on November 22, 2024, Sookshma Darshini, a Malayalam suspense thriller, has been lauded for its compelling storyline and stellar performances, as per reports. Directed by MC Jithin, the movie stars Nazriya Nazim as Priyadarshini, a homemaker turned detective, and Basil Joseph as Manuel, a mysterious neighbor harboring dark secrets. When the two go on an unseen journey together, a gripping narrative unfolds. The film has garnered significant attention from audiences. Reportedly, it was one of the most talked-about releases of the year.
When and Where to Watch Sookshma Darshini
Sookshma Darshini continues its successful theatrical run, captivating viewers with its suspense-filled narrative. Fans eagerly awaiting its digital release can expect updates soon. Reports suggest that Simply South has acquired the overseas streaming rights, while Disney+ Hotstar is likely to host the film for Indian audiences. No official confirmation has been provided by the producers yet, but announcements are anticipated shortly.
Official Trailer and Plot of Sookshma Darshini
The trailer of Sookshma Darshini sets the tone for a gripping thriller, teasing viewers with its intense sequences and layered characters. The story follows Priyadarshini, a dissatisfied homemaker whose curiosity about her enigmatic neighbor, Manuel, takes her on an unexpected journey. When Manuel's mother vanishes under suspicious circumstances, Priyadarshini delves into a world of secrets, risking everything to uncover the truth.
Cast and Crew of Sookshma Darshini
The ensemble cast includes Nazriya Nazim as Priyadarshini and Basil Joseph as Manuel, supported by Deepak Parambol, Sidharth Bharathan and Manohari Joy in pivotal roles. The movie is produced by Sameer Thahir, Shyju Khalid and AV Anoop. The screenplay is crafted by Libin TB and Athul Ramachandran.
Reception of Sookshma Darshini
Sookshma Darshini has performed well at the box office, collecting ₹20.45 crore to date, as reported by industry sources. Critics have praised the film's narrative structure and performances, particularly those of Nazriya Nazim and Basil Joseph. Viewers have rated the film on IMDb with a rating of 8.3 /10.