Other raw iron pan
There are quite a few boutiques raw iron manufacturer, and while none of these are above us, they are worth considering if you do not like others for some reason.
$ 150 Kukaqeif 12-inch Cast Iron Skilllet: The raw iron of the kukkulif comes with a decent mirror-chicani, but not great, the coat of masala. It ended with the most corbred sticking to the pan in all my cornbred tests. He said, it is a very light, maneuver pan, with which it is easy to cook. The size is slightly different, with more sloping pavements, and the performance is different – I found that it is cooking with carbon steel compared to raw iron, but perhaps it's just me. Kukkukife avoids the fact that you can put it in a dishwasher, which … I do not have a dishwasher and the pan feels like tops to wash, so I don't see much selling points from there. .
Vintage cast iron pan
Vintage raw iron pan quality, smooth raw iron was the cheapest way by manufacturers such as Griswold, Wagner, and Birmingham Stoves and Range. I have many Griswolds and a Wagoner; Each was around $ 20. Yes, it is true, eBay ruined the ancient market. Or saves it, depending on whether you are a buyer or a seller. Whatever it is, the days when you can get a good quality vintage cast iron pan for $ 20. As long as you are not working in removing the rust from a really abuse pan (which is not difficult, but some work requires), vintage raw iron is expensive as a high quality new PAN. A Griswold Number 8 (10-inch) PAN on eBay Sells for $ 60 to $ 300Based on the status/restoration. Even for that price, I used to buy a lover of old things, but a Smith.
He said, if you love the idea of ​​a vintage pan, raw iron remains, and many, many good pans are available on eBay. If the path you want to go, keep an eye on the cracks (which cannot be decided) and, depending on your stovetop, you also want to ensure that there is no “vobbal”. As the age of raw iron, the iron sometimes starts to relax in the middle. This will not affect you too until you have glass cook. If you do, make sure to avoid deformed pan which will not sit flat.
It is also worth noting that the old raw iron is cool as a pan, you do not know the history of them. The use of cast iron pan is used for melting, catching oil and other unnatural things. If you have any concern, it may be worth testing your vintage pan.
How to season your raw iron
This is probably the most controversial thing in the world of raw iron. Everyone has their own way of seasoning, which makes it difficult for beginners. This is why we do not require any seasoning to start all the PAN above. They are all presidents.
If you buy a vintage pan, or if you scorch your pan by scorching (this happens), then you have to build some layers of seasoning. Let's start saying that there is no right way. If you have a method that works, then drop it in the comments below so that other people can try it. This is what I have been doing for 20-plus years, and it works for me:
- Wash your pan with soap and water. Dry well with a towel.
- Heat your oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit and pour the pan for 15 minutes.
- Remove the pan (using a hot pad or an oven soil) and coat it all with Crisco. Coat the entire pan, even down.
- Once you cover it in CRISCO, wipe the whole thing with a towel. Try to stop as much as possible. You will not be able to do all this, no matter what you do, so there is a lot left to do it a season.
- Keep the pan back in the oven and crank it to 450.
- After 15 minutes, take out the pan (again with gloves) and wipe it again.
- Keep it back in the oven and bake for about an hour.
- Close the oven and let it cool down completely.
- Repeat from step 3 as required.
For a new-to-you vintage pan, I will do four to five times during a few days. If I am just underlining one of my own pan, I do this process twice, and I do it once every two years.