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The rapid spread of Artificial Intelligence has people wondering: who is most likely to embrace AI in their daily lives? Many believe it is the tech-savvy—those who understand how AI works—who are most eager to adopt it.
Surprisingly, our new research, published in Marketing Journalfinds the opposite. People with less knowledge about AI are actually more open to using the technology. We call this difference in propensity to adopt the “low literacy–high receptivity” link.
This link shows up in different groups, settings, and even countries. For example, our analysis Data from market research company ipsos Spread across 27 countries, the study shows that people in nations with lower average AI literacy are more receptive toward AI adoption than those in nations with higher literacy.
Similarly, our survey of US graduate students finds that those with a lower understanding of AI are more likely to use it for tasks such as academic assignments.
The reason behind this link is that AI now performs tasks that we once thought only humans could do. When AI creates a piece of art, writes a heartfelt response, or plays a musical instrument, it can feel almost magical – as if it's crossing over into the human realm.
Of course, AI not really Human qualities. A chatbot may generate an empathetic response, but it does not feel empathy. People with more technical knowledge about AI understand this.
They know what algorithms (sets of mathematical rules used by computers to perform particular tasks), training data (how AI systems work), and computational models are used to operate. This makes the technology less mysterious.
On the other hand, people with less understanding may see AI as magical and awe-inspiring. We suggest that this sense of magic makes them more open to using AI tools.
Our study shows that this low literacy-high receptivity link is strongest for using AI tools in areas that people associate with human traits, such as providing emotional support or counseling. When it comes to tasks that don't elicit the same sense of human qualities – such as analyzing test results – the pattern flips. People with higher AI literacy are more receptive to these uses because they focus on the efficiency of AI rather than any “magical” properties.
It's not about ability, fear or morality
Interestingly, this link between low literacy and high receptivity persists, even though people with low AI literacy are more likely to view AI as less capable, less ethical, and even a little scary. Their openness to AI seems to stem from a sense of wonder about what it can do, despite these perceived shortcomings.
This discovery provides new insights Why do people respond so differently to emerging technologiesSome studies suggest Consumers favor new technologyA phenomenon called “algorithm praise”, while others show skepticism, or “algorithm opposition”. Our research points to perceptions of the “magic” of AI as a key factor shaping these reactions.
These insights pose a challenge to policy makers and educators. Efforts to promote literacy This may inadvertently make people's enthusiasm for using AI seem less magical. This strikes a difficult balance between helping people understand AI and keeping them open to adoption.