For reasons It was not immediately clear, Spacex Founder Elon Musk On Tuesday evening, he was taken to its social media site X to pronounce a space-based.
@Potus has asked @Spacex to bring 2 astronauts stranded at @Space_station as soon as possible. We will do this, ” Musk wrote“Terrible that Biden The administration left him for so long. ,
Now generally, in ARS Technica, it is not our policy to write strict stories based on the things of Elon Musk. NASAIt explores a little.
First, the most appreciated explanation for this is that Elon is getting alone. “He is trolling,” said one of my best space policy sources immediately after Musk's tweet. Eventually, the tweet was sent to the Central Time Zone at 4:20 pm, where SpaceX now has its own headquarters.
Even if it is trolling, it will still cause headache within NASA.
Most important, NASA has gone in large lengths to emphasize that both astronauts have referred to here-Buch Wilmore and Sun Williams-Te not trapped on one International Space StationThere is some debate about whether there was a period in the last summer when the pair, Which flew to space station on the Boeing Starlineer vehicle in early JuneWas stuck briefly. Was fond of that mission Technical issuesIncluding problems with Starlineer's propulsion system. (Finally, Starlineer The house flew without its crew.) However, since the arrival of SpaceX's crew -9 mission with two vacant seats in late September, Wilmore and Williams have a safe ride home. The dragon vehicle is currently docked at the space station.
Then musk comes together, with one of the most microphones in the world, shouting that NASA's astronauts are trapped and President Trump wants them to be saved. This is a bang for the founder of SpaceX, who has become a close advisor to Trump to say publicly.
It is also possible that Musk was not trolling and Trump asked Spacex to return Wilmor and Williams before political reasons – that is, in his view, embarrass the biden administration.
Neither NASA nor SpaceX immediately responded to the remarks request on Tuesday evening.
Can they come back?
If Trump demanded that NASA now bring back astronauts, the crew -9 mission could first return to Earth. It is currently scheduled to print into the Pacific Ocean in early April. According to NASA, and astronauts themselves, Wilmor and Williams are fixing in space. They have a lot of food and clothes, and do a lot of work. Personally, sources have told ARS. Although Wilmore and Williams were not expecting to spend 10 months in space initially, they are not taking any serious risk in doing so. In fact, it is part of their jobs to deal with these types of contingencies.
The date of the current returns is being operated by the launch of Crew -10 mission, also on a spaceX vehicle. The mission is blowing a new dragon spacecraft, and SpaceX first sought a little more time to prepare and prepare the spacecraft for its debut launch. It transferred the target to blow up this mission from February to 25 March. To complete this date, sources indicated that it is possible that SpaceX may need to make a separate, pre-bloated dragon suitable-Dragon-Dragon-Dragon-Dragon- To do – Complete crew -10.