Vivo unveiled its X200 series this year with a new compact variant — Vivo X200 Pro Mini. However, while the Vivo X200 and Vivo X200 Pro saw a global launch, the Mini remained exclusive to China. Recently, a rumor coming out of China hints that the company is planning to unveil a smaller-screen mid-range smartphone in the coming year. This model is said to be powered by a MediaTek Dimensity 9 series chipset and could include a 50-megapixel primary rear camera sensor.
Vivo's Compact Mid-Range Smartphone
Popular tipster Digital Chat Station on Weibo opined (via) that Vivo is gearing up to unveil a compact mid-range smartphone next year. The upcoming handset is tipped to run on a MediaTek Dimensity 9 series chip and pack a 6.31-inch 8T LTPO screen with 1.5K resolution. The Vivo X200 Pro Mini has a similar 6.31-inch 1.5K LTPO AMOLED display and a MediaTek Dimensity 9400 SoC under the hood.
The purported compact mid-range Vivo smartphone is tipped to feature a 50-megapixel primary rear camera and a telephoto sensor. It is said to carry a silicon battery. The Vivo It houses a 5,800mAh battery with 90W wired charging support.
The Vivo
The Vivo X200 Pro and Vivo X200 were launched in India and other global markets in December after their initial debut in China. The brand skipped the Mini model for the international markets.