WhatsApp for iOS has rolled out several new features in its latest update. These include augmented reality (AR) effects and backgrounds, along with a document scanning option for easier file sharing. Previously spotted in WhatsApp beta, these features are now available to users.
AR Effects and Customizable Backgrounds
According to feature tracker WABetaInfo, the new AR effects can be applied via the camera, accessible through an image wand icon next to the gallery icon in the app's camera viewfinder. Users can apply effects like confetti, star windows, underwater, sparkles, karaoke, and tears. WhatsApp has also added new backgrounds to help users blur the surrounding environment, with the option to adjust the video's color tone.
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Document Scanning Made Easy
A standout feature in the update is the ability to scan documents directly within the app. This option, available in WhatsApp version 24.25.80, integrates smoothly into the document-sharing menu. Users can capture and send documents without needing third-party scanning apps or devices. The feature is gradually being rolled out, with more users set to gain access in the coming weeks.
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How to Use the New Document Scanning Feature
To use the new scanning feature, users open the document-sharing menu and select the “scan” option, activating the camera. After taking the scan, they can preview and adjust it before sending it. WhatsApp automatically suggests margins, but users can fine-tune the scan for clarity. Once satisfied, they can send the document to a chat or group.
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This addition makes WhatsApp a more convenient tool for quickly sharing documents while on the move. It eliminates the need for external apps, offering a streamlined experience for both personal and professional use. Whether sending receipts, contracts, or notes, users can now send scanned documents directly within WhatsApp, enhancing the app's functionality.
This update follows a series of festive features WhatsApp introduced for video calls, including New Year-themed effects, animations, and stickers, designed to enhance the user experience.