WhatsApp Pay, a UPI-powered payment service, has officially expanded its availability to all Indian users. Previously, the service was restricted due to user limits imposed by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), but this barrier has now been lifted. WhatsApp Pay can now be used by anyone in India after the NPCI relaxed its restrictions.
For the last two years, WhatsApp Pay has been restricted to a maximum of 100 million users. The NPCI had imposed this limit to ensure the service's security and smooth performance. However, with the new development, WhatsApp Pay can now offer UPI services to all users in India.
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“We are pleased to announce that WhatsApp Pay can now offer UPI services to all its users in India,” the NPCI said in a press release. With this move, WhatsApp users can now send and receive money directly through the app, offering the same convenience as other UPI services. WhatsApp Pay allows users to send and receive money directly through the app, making transactions seamless without the need to exit the platform. Similar to other UPI-enabled apps, users can send money requests or transfer money to contacts using various UPI apps like Google Pay, PhonePe, and Paytm.
Meanwhile, the NPCI has delayed its plan to impose a 30 percent market share cap on UPI players, offering relief to companies like PhonePe, which currently holds over 47 percent of the market share. The new deadline for the cap is set for December 2026, giving companies more time to adapt to the new regulations.
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How to Set Up WhatsApp Pay:
- Open WhatsApp.
- Tap the three dots in the upper-right corner.
- Select “Your Payments.”
- Tap “Add Payment Method.”
- Accept the payment terms and click “Accept.”
How to Send Money:
- Start a chat with the recipient.
- Tap the symbol in the bottom-right corner.
- Enter the amount you want to send.
- Use your UPI PIN to confirm the transaction.
- The payment will be confirmed via a message.
With these simple steps, users can now easily access WhatsApp Pay and begin sending and receiving money directly through the app.