WhatsApp has announced that it will end support for older iPhone models starting in 2025, marking a significant change for users on devices like the iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus. The Meta-owned messaging service will stop supporting iOS versions prior to 15.1, meaning devices running older iOS versions will no longer be able to access the app. The update, scheduled for May 5, 2025, will only affect users on iPhones that can't update to newer iOS versions, with those using the latest software versions able to continue using the service without issue.

Impact on Older iPhone Models

According to a WABetaInfo reportthe upcoming change will impact iPhone models that are over a decade old, specifically the iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus. These models can only run up to iOS 12.5.7, the last available update for them. Starting in May 2025, WhatsApp will require iOS 15.1 or later, meaning users with these older devices must either upgrade their software or switch to a newer device to continue using the app.

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Five-Month Notice for Affected Users

WhatsApp is giving users a five-month window to prepare for the change. This notice period aims to help those who may need to upgrade their devices or consider alternatives if newer iOS versions are not available for their hardware. While this change will primarily affect older iPhones, newer iPhone models can still update to the latest available iOS version and continue using WhatsApp as normal.

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Android Users Not Affected

The company also confirmed that this decision only affects iPhone users. Android users will not be impacted by this update and can continue using WhatsApp on their devices without concern.

The move comes as WhatsApp seeks to take advantage of the improved technologies and updated APIs found in newer iOS versions. These enhancements enable the messaging app to roll out new features and improve performance in ways that older operating systems simply can't support. To update to the latest iOS version, users can go to Settings > General > Software Update on their devices.

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While the change may inconvenience a small number of users, it reflects the ongoing shift towards more advanced technologies that support the evolving demands of apps like WhatsApp.

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